Friday, September 12, 2008

Wisdom from a Kindergarten Teacher

On Wednesday, DH and I went to our first parent-teacher conference for our kindergartner.  We were discussing the usual topics and the subject of misbehavior came up.  Teacher Melissa uses a version of the time-out which she calls the "Power Place".  It's simply a small table and chair away from the action of the class where misbehaving kids can go and get their power back or, in other words they calm down, refocus, and adjust their attitudes so that they can rejoin the group.  To me, it is a fresh twist on the old time-out concept which inevitably ends up seeming like an isolation-type punishment.  

But something else struck me about this idea: how depression is related to one's power, or lack thereof.  I've searched for a logical reason why I suffer from depression.  If you have chronic depression, you know that there usually isn't anything logical about it, but that hasn't stopped me from wondering, WHY?  Well, Teacher Melissa may have answered that, at least in part.  I get depressed because I feel powerless.  I get depressed in the winter because I am powerless against the weather.  In that situation, I feel that I am without acceptable choices and powerless to change things.  Conversely, when I am feeling good, I feel powerful.  And when I feel powerful, I feel good.
So how do I get my power back when I start feeling down?  
Or do I need to be more accepting of this powerlessness?  It's not a good feeling.


Tumble Fish Studio said...

Hey Debra . . . out touring the Altered Start group's blogs. Your's looks great!
I know exactly what you mean about power and happiness, etc. My hubby always tells me I look completely different when I'm happy and I know when I feel trapped, down, and defeatist I don't feel well physically either. Maybe WE need power place to sit and ponder! I'll email you offline.
Great site - keep going! Marsha

Jill said...

Wow! That sure is a refreshing way to put a positive spin on time-out! Hope your kindergarten experiences continue to be positive ones.

My "power" came back when i went back to work full-time and feel like a contributing part of my household instead of a drain. I feel powerful because of the position I have and the work that I do. I feel needed because I help all of these brave men and women who fight for us in our military. I hate to think that a paycheck = power, because that's just a small part of it. Being home a full-time SAHM last year was not the best thing for my brain!