Here's a little button fairy whose components had been sitting on my art table for way too long. The guilt-motivated kick to the pants helped me decide to finally finish her up. It is dang hard to get a good picture of one's artwork sometimes, though. I'm going to try making a lightbox which may help me get some of my beads posted on Etsy too.
'Til next time, whenever that may be.....
Oh -- I like her a lot, Deb! Her face seems to say "who me?" I'm suffering from the art block too. Don't know if it's so much the block from doing art as it is finding the time (making the time) to sit down and just create for fun.
Hi guys! Or gals, as the case may be! LOL Yeah, I found you, Deb. I'm such a stalker. I haven't been doing that sort of art lately. Been busy making mini-totems for plants and pots. Going to sell them at the spring craft fair - well, if anyone wants them, that is. And been getting back to writing. I've got so much to do in that area. Cute little button fairy, there. And Cupid is adorable, too!
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