I collaged a music-themed background then did some of Claudine Hellmuth's peeling paper technique and a blue acrylic paint wash. To the image I added two of my least favorite things to work with: microbeads embedded in glue, and a feather. I got the darn microbeads on clearance and they seemed dried out, but maybe that's how they were supposed to be? Anyway, they're a PITA to apply to paper unless you want a big glob of them, even after I'd thinned them down with water. And feathers never seem to lay right for me, plus the adhesive can make them look matted down and unnatural unless you get it only on the spine. But the final product came out O.K., I think.
I hope you like it, Barb.
I love this ATC!!!!
Hi Debra -- I just posted a tag I made with some of your neat supplies you sent me when I won your Halloween ATC. Hope you can stop by and check it out. Having a ball with all the goodies you sent me!
I forgot to say, this ATC is really wonderful! Love your words on it and everything about it.
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