The bat wings were kindly provided in a collage sheet from jackandcatcurio.com. I used Diamond Glaze on them which made them curl, then crack as I tried to straighten them. I didn't plan it, but they look good all crackly. The tree branches are transfers, also from a jackandcat collage sheet.
It was a fun card to make, and I've got a few more Halloween-themed ATCs in the works. What a great time of year for art!
Cant wait to see this one in RL tonight. I have to admit her face scares me, has that latent psychotic look.
Wow, Deb...you just slipped that one in in time....I didn't even get a chance to lust for it! So great....
And why didn't I know you had a blog? Love it!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!! :)
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