Here's my old Cupid-dog, getting snowed on recently. Most senior dogs like a cozy, warm place to curl up, don't they?? Not Cupid. She loves to lay outside on the deck on all but the coldest days. Crazy bitch :)
Blog guilt. I'm suffering from it. Occurs when you've neglected your blog for too long. Yep, I took the Blogging without Obligation pledge when I first started my blog, but some of the guilt remains. I try to use it to my advantage and turn it into a boot to the butt to get busy.
Here's a little button fairy whose components had been sitting on my art table for way too long. The guilt-motivated kick to the pants helped me decide to finally finish her up. It is dang hard to get a good picture of one's artwork sometimes, though. I'm going to try making a lightbox which may help me get some of my beads posted on Etsy too.
Half-Cracked T-Shirt
I made two t-shirts for an upcoming talent show. Two kids are doing a
comedy act and they named themselves "Half-Cracked Nuts". The text was
created using ...
100TinyTreasures 4/100
Buff and Sage DWM paint with blue W&N watercolour stick, teal Stabilo
Woody, indigo Derwent graphite. I seem to be into muted colours, probably a
HandCrafted Part 2 - new article
As a follow up to my last article, this one illustrates my dimensional
explorations with arm reliquaries. The issue just arrived and should be on
the store...
Making Contact Printed Nuno Felt Tunics!
I've been getting ready to teach a Nuno Felt Tunic class this weekend at
North House Folk School in Grand Marais, MN.
I've made some nuno felted medium p...